Blood Thinner (Anticoagulant)

This page contains the most recent discussion threads pertaining to Blood Thinner (Anticoagulant), as well as a list of all of the drugs falling within this category.

Blood Thinner (Anticoagulant) Overview

An anticoagulant, commonly known as a blood thinner, is a chemical substance that prevents or reduces coagulation of blood, prolonging the clotting time. Some of them occur naturally in blood-eating animals such as leeches and mosquitoes, where they help keep the bite area unclotted long enough for the animal to obtain some blood.As a class of medications, anticoagulants are used in therapy for thrombotic disorders. Oral anticoagulants (OACs) are taken by many people in pill or tablet form, a...

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Recent Blood Thinner (Anticoagulant) Forums: RSS Feed

Odor of eliminations while taking Eliquis

I hate to be indelicate but I have noticed something strange since taking Eliquis. My urine and bowel movements smell different and I wondered if anyone else had noticed this. I would describe it as sort of a toasted oaty fragrance. I am not making this up or being weird. I am concerned and hope I am not along. ## Oh my goodness YES, it does have an odd smell. ## actually lists the following side effects associated with Eliquis (Apixaban): red, brown, or pink urine; red or black, tarry stools. However nothing in particular about its smell. Has anyone else experienced these odd colors in their urine/stool or think that this may be attributing to the different smell in some way? In either case I would suspect it's more than likely Eliquis that's causing the problem if you...

Updated in Eliquis
Weight Gain after starting Xarelto

I just started (09/29/2016) Xarelto - 15 mg 2x/day for a large DVT and multiple PE's. In one month I have ballooned 20+ lbs. My legs look like tree trunks, but feel like cement blocks. My arms and hands are swollen, and my stomach looks like I've been sucking on a helium tank. Now, to make matters worse, I started severe dizziness and nausea.....I couldn't walk a straight line if I was forced to!! I spoke with my cardiologist but he had no answers. Of course, I'm told it's probably my diet, but I know this is not the problem. This is what provoked me to search the internet. I'm obviously not the only one feeling like they should be floating in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. I'm calling my PCP tomorrow!! Best of health to everyone :) ## Hello, Nicole!...

Updated in Xarelto
Xarelto causes suicidal depression

Hi. I used Xarelto for a few days for DVT. It caused extreme bleeding in me. I have a myoma. It was not time for my period, but I started losing blood and clots immediately. Needed to change things every 10-15 minutes. I already had bad iron deficiency anemia, so that is not a good thing. Now that this side effect stopped, I quit. I have severe fatigue and diarrhea. I read Xarelto has lactose, which I am intolerant to (thanks, doc). So that may explain something. But it does not stop. Same for the dizzy spells and vertigo and disoriented feelings in my head. And for the anxiety and suicidal depression and irritability. I was happy and balanced (even if somewhat concerned about the DVT) before starting. Only a few days of Xarelto, changed me around. I feel horrid. It's a physical kin...

Updated in Xarelto
Eliquis and Weight: I Need The Truth

Today I am speaking with my hemotologist about switching from Xarelto to Eliquis. Xarelto has caused me, a runner with a very slim diet, to gain almost 14 pounds in 4 weeks. 7 of those pounds in the last two weeks. I need to know of any serious weight gain issues with Eliquis. Doctors always swear that the side effects listed are the only ones but I was never told by my doctor nor the literature that Xarelto causes abnormal weight gain either. Google had to tell me that after yesterday's terrible weigh-in. I'm looking for absolute candor. I am 34 and female and I'd be taking it for PE. Thanks. ## Anytime you want to know all possible side effects, it's best to ask a pharmacist, visit a site like this, or research it on your own. Doctor's aren't trained as much in...

Updated in Eliquis
No side effects on Eliquis.

I am a 76 year old man with afib. My EP suggested Eliquis and gave me a 30 day free sample. I have used it and am on my first 90 day refill. After reading all of the comments on this web site I was reluctant to try Eliquis. As of now I have had no side effects. I am about 5' 10" and weigh 215. I spend 20 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes in an exercise routine daily. If I notice any adverse side effects as time goes by I will repost on this site. ## Hello, Newport Jim! How are you? Thank you for the helpful post! Not everyone has problems taking Eliquis, it's just that those that day are usually the ones hunting up a site like this to discuss the problems. The millions of people that take any given medication, without a problem, are rarely online discussing their posit...

Updated in Eliquis
Eliquis and Depression

66 yr old male, 5'11", 191 lbs. Exercise daily. Prescribed 5MG Eliquis x 2 day. Since starting approximately 3 weeks ago I have become extremely depressed to the verge of crying. Never been like this before and I contribute this depression to the drug. Also very lethargic which I contribute to Eliquis. Anyone with similar reaction? Was on a aspirin and I think I should return. I suspect this depression to be directly linked to the drug. ## Hello Abel! How are you? I'm very sorry about the way you're feeling. Yes, depression can be a side effect of this medication, as listed by the FDA. You may also experience nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding and easy bruising. If it is that severe, then yes, you should most likely consult your doctor about stopping...

Updated in Eliquis
dr reddy why is your brand look so different???

is this generic plavix as good as other generic brands? one thing i'wondered is, why is this pill big' and white ,while the other generic brands are smaller and flesh tone,like the brand plavix, i started getting your brand from my pharm,and seen how different it looks from other generic brands that i thought i was given the wrong medince''why is yours so much bigger, and white????i think people would feel better about this brand if it looked' more like plavix'' like the other brands do.... ## First, to clarify, this website is not affiliated with Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, this is an information only website that does not manufacturer, or prescribe any medications. The difference in the size of the pill is usually just due to one manufacturer using differ...

Updated in Plavix
Every 6 months bloodwork

My mother had multiple pulmonary emblisions in both lungs, age 77. She takes Eliquis 5mg twice a day, which I believe should always be written "Take 1 tablet every 12 hours". Her doctor has her go off of it for 2 days prior to get blood tests, every 6 months I've read stopping it suddenly can cause a stroke..WHY is the doctor insisting on this? ## The blood work is normal, due to the risk to your kidneys, someone taking Eliquis should have their levels checked at least once a year, having her stop it for two days, before, may also be due to a possible bleeding issue, though only her doctor can answer that question for sure. Eliquis may cause other side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, and easy bruising. Ref: Eliquis Information Is she also on other medications?

Updated in Eliquis
Clots returned after stopping Eliquis

I was on Eliquis for 4 PEs and 1 DVT for roughly 6 months. I had a CT scan and ultrasound that verified they were gone and my doctor took me off Eliquis. 2 weeks later I was rushed to ER by ambulance. Heart attack and Saddle PE and large DVT in right leg. In 2 weeks time I got a Saddle PE and another clot in my leg. Now I will be on Eliquis for the rest of my life. BTW: Embolectomy was not fun. Very painful. ## Wow! That's a lot of clotting problems, I am so glad you're still here to make this post. Unfortunately, this has been known to happen, sometimes, and usually does require lifelong medication to help prevent more occurrences. The FDA lists the most common side effects of Eliquis as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, joint/muscle aches, and increased risk of b...

Updated in Eliquis
Warfarin headache

After a few weeks on a 5mg/day warfarin schedule I developed daily headaches in a specific area on the left side of my head. When I consulted my cardiologist I was told that warfarin doesn't cause headaches. I had to continue taking the medication because I had 2 previous episodes of atrial flutter. I had just changed my primary care physician and mentioned the headaches. He for some reason decided to check my vitamin B12 level. It was too low. I started taking a 1000mcg tablet daily. My headaches started to occur less frequently with less pain within about three weeks and after 8 weeks were gone. Hope this helps someone. ## Vitamin deficiencies can cause various medical issues, anything from headaches, as you experienced, to nausea, weight changes, depression, dizziness, and sleep ...

Updated in Warfarin

Blood Thinner (Anticoagulant) Medications (75 results)