Allergies To Sulfa - Does Imovane And Olmetec Have Sulpha? (Top voted first)


My sister has symptoms from some drug she was on. Her hands and feet have very dry, deep cracks in them. She is been treated for high blood pressure and is allergic to sulpha. The drugs have been changed a few times. In January she was taking Olmetec and this is when the symptoms starting showing up in February. The doctor has prescribed Celexa to help calm her stress level in hope of lowering the blood pressure. She takes imovane for sleeping. Olmetec has talc, could these be causing her symptoms on the feet and hands? Or could it be something in shampoos or conditioners?

2 Replies

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If she is taking Olmetec plus (contains water pill), I found out the hard way, the water pill has a sulpha component.

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Hello, Brenalee! How are you and your sister?

Contrary to what was already posted, Olmetec does not contain a water pill/diuretic.

It's active ingredient is Olmesartan, which is classified by the FDA as an ARB. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, headache and hypotension.

It's hard to say what could be causing those issues. Has she consulted her doctor about them? Are these the only medications she takes?

How much fluid does she take in each day?

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