Azithromycin Forums (Page 3)

Recently active Azithromycin forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Azithromycin and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.
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Hi, can someone take azithromycin 500mg (for 6 days, once a day) with taxim-o 200mg (for 5 days, twice in a day) for a bacterial infection? Please suggest... ## You can take them both, if your doctor has instructed you to do so. The NIH lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash, and diarrhea. Are you on any other medications?

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I have a discharge problem and I went to clinic and they gave me azithromycin 500g but this pills are smelling in my mouth even though I brush my teeth its the same...And I only need sweets things in my mouth coz I dnt have taste in my mouth ## This is an antibiotic that is used to treat bacterial infections. The NIH lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash, and diarrhea. The odd taste in your mouth and bad breath should go away in a week or so, after you finish your course of treatment. Has there been any change?

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I was unprotected during intimacy and got infected with a burning left testicle. The doctor gave me metazol 400 and azithromycin and an inj. but said I must take the pills all in one day. ## You should follow your doctor's instructions, it seems you might have caught and STI. The NIH lists the typical side effects of these medications as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash, and diarrhea. Has there been any improvement?

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I have had the flu and ended up with a lot of congestion. I have azitromicina 250mg, 6 tablets. Would this help if I am getting bronchitis? ## Azithromycin is an antibiotic and most cases of bronchitis have been found to be cause by viruses, which they are not effective against. Have you consulted your doctor about proper treatment? ## what is best to take for congestion? ## Can azitromicina 250 mg . 6 pills . Be used for throat infection

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Will Zertalin 250 mg work on a sinus infection and what would the dosage be? I have 6 pills. ## This medication is listed as containing the active ingredient Azithromycin, it is an antibiotic and the FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash, and diarrhea. You should follow your doctor's dosing instructions. Is there anything else I can help with?

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I have been taking Azithromycin 500 mg for the last five days tablet a day for URTI , bronchitis, sinusitis and throat infection. But it did not yield desired results excepting some little improvement. Can I now switch over to Amoxcillin CV 625 . What should be the dosage and period for taking this drug for my above problem. Thanks.


I was given 500 mg of azithromycin at the hospital and the next day when I went to have my script filled it was too expensive. Can I switch to amoxicillan 500 mg? ## You can do so, as long as your doctor some approves, some medications have gone very high in price, this year. The FDA lists the typical antibiotic side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash, and diarrhea. Are you on any other medications?

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i have a painful jaw is swollen and i have a white pustular bump that oozes when i press on my gum ## Hello, Marie! How are you feeling? Craztronin contains the active ingredient Azithromycin, which is an antibiotic and yes, it can be used to treat a dental infection. Its side effects may include nausea, dizziness, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Learn more Craztronin details here. However, it should only be used if it has been prescribed by your dentist or doctor, since you do need to make sure that you have enough to complete a full course of treatment to properly eradicate the infectious bacteria. Additionally, it will not correct whatever underlying problem caused the infection, so you also still need to see your dentist for follow up care, otherwise the infection wil...

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I have yellowish discharge and I went to the clinic they gave me Anaerobyl, Doxytet, and Erko250 for treatment. I don't know if it is going to help me out because I've been experiencing the discharge for 8 months now I don't know what is wrong. ## Hello, Amahle! How are you? Why didn't you go to the clinic sooner? That sounds like a bacterial infection, so it would be best to take the medications as prescribe to see if it clears up. Is there any odor? Any pain or itching? ## Hi I'm 19 weeks pregnant and I have been bleeding the hospital doctor gave me ANAEROBYL 400 and MOXYMAN 500. Is it safe to use? ## Hi i have pain in my private part and burning when i pee and yellowish discharge i went to clinil they gave anaerobyl400 to take 5 at the sametime nd cipla azithromyc...

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immediate release bilayer tablet of azithromycin and cefixime.1>..dose of both drug in bilayer immediate tablet....2>ingredients.3>related rationle. ## They are both antibiotics that are used to treat various types of infections. Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, diarrhea and non-allergic skin rash. You can learn more about them here: Are there any other questions or comments? ## Hi, is it okay to take 1 tablet everyday of 500mg azithromycin for 2 days and two tables of 200 mg cefixime for 10 days in treating chalmydia?

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I've been prescribed this medication for Chlamydia, is this correct? I have 5 doses of this medication, will this work? ## Hello, Jenny! How are you? Yes, it can be prescribed to treat this STI. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash, and diarrhea. If you do not see any improvement, after finishing your course of treatment, please consult your doctor. Is there anything else I can help with?

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Azithromycin or Penicillin which is more expensive and which is more effective in fighting upper respiratory infection ## The price will depend on where you live and which pharmacy you go to. Which is more effective depends on what type of bacteria has caused the infection, and its severity. Which medication has your doctor recommended? The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic, and diarrhea.

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I have taken azithromycin (the 4 pills) 2 days ago for an infection and I have to take ampicillin 500 mg for a uti. Can I take it? ## Yes, though the FDA warns that the Ampicillin may slightly reduce the efficacy of Azithromycin. The typical side effects are listed as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Is there anything else I can help with?

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When I had my wisdom tooth pulled they gave me penicillin and I was allergic .. I need to take this 1g of azithromycin for gonorreah .. Is that ok ? ## Hello, Justin! How are you? It is a different antibiotic, but there is a chance you may also discover that you're allergic to it. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Is there anything else I can help with?

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I ordered azithromycin online and it is a white oval with no imprint. Is this safe? ## If there is no imprint, it is difficult to say what it might be, that is one of the hazards of ordering online. We can rule it out as being a U.S. prescription product, because they are all required to have imprints to enable their identification, but if it's from a foreign source, there is really no way to say. Is anyone familiar with this? ## I ordered the exact same. Did you take them? I'm a little leary.

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I took 3-day 500 mg Azithromycin for Acne rosacea. The total dose should be 3 day 500 mg and then skip 5 days and then take 3-day 500 mg until 4 weeks of period. but I have skin rash and itching. My doctor prescribed doxycyclin 150 mg per day. I thought Azithromycin was safer than Doxy and less sunsensitive. Should I continue Azithro or start taking Doxy and quit Azithro after three days. ## You should follow your doctor's instructions, if you are itching from the Azithromycin, that could be due to an allergic reaction and they tend to get worse, with repeated expose to the offending medication. They both carry the same risks. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Is there anything else I can he...

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Last month i started preventative treatment with a 2 month inj., then the past few weeks i started having pains that resulted in bleeding. I wen't to the clinic and they gave me anaerobyl and austell-azithromycin tablets. The pains stopped but bleeding didn't. Can u help me out? ## Hello, Lady T! How are you? These are antibiotics that are used to treat or prevent bacterial infections. They will only help, if the bleeding is due to some type of infection. The U.S. FDA lists their typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Contraceptive infections can sometimes cause bleeding and cramping as side effects, along with nausea, dizziness and headaches, so your symptoms may be due to that. Are you on any other medicatio...

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How long will pliva 787 remain in your system for diarrhea to stop? After 3 days what happens if you stop taking pliva 787? ## Hello, Snu! How are you? Diarrhea is a normal side effect of antibiotics, as reported by the FDA. (Pliva lists this tablet as containing 250mgs of Azithromycin.) Other side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache and non-allergic skin rash. If you stop taking it, before finishing your course of treatment, you create the risk of your developing antibiotic resistant bacteria and you may not fully eradicate the infection. If the diarrhea is severe, you should consult your doctor to see if they might prescribe an alternative antibiotic. Is there anything else I can help with?

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sir both drugs having different treatment duration can we use a FDC FOR THE SAME ## Jagdeep sharma Delhi Azithromycin And Cefixime Combination ## Cefixime and Azithromycin precribing information ## whats is the main purpose for combination of AZITHROMYCIN & CIFIXIME combination? ## Becoz harrison 18th edition recomends that azithromycin &cefixime can use as aemperical treatment...there can b use azithromycin 1mg/day for 5 days... ## Cefixim and azithromycin should never be prescribed together; which only will augment resistance. If no response in 3days, provided no scope of c/s, should be discontinued and switch over to another. And if one suspects it as a severe disease, no harm using parenteral antibiotics. Think at least Three times before prescribing an #antibiotic.

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Hi, i'm 8 weeks pregnant. I went to see a doctor 2 weeks back for an infection. He gave me moxypen-250 but it didn't work, then i just went to the clinic and explained my situation. The sister gave me azithromycin. She said it's safe to use during pregnancy. Is it safe to take 4 tablets at the same time? I don't want to take any risks. Please help. ## The U.S. FDA considers Azithromycin to be safe during pregnancy, so you should follow the dosing instructions you were given. Its typical side effects may possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Hi I'm 25 weeks pregnant and I took Azithromycin and now I'm so worried it could be dangerous for my unborn baby please help me

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