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I'm wondering how safe Lithobid is to take while pregnant. ## i take amoxicillin syncloxil and iberet folic together when pregnant is a really safe? ## i take amoxicillin syncloxil and iberet folic together when i pregnant is a really safe? ## There are some risks to taking Lithobid during pregnancy, which could include heart defects, so you should only take it, if your doctor is closely monitoring you and the babies heart, according to current FDA warnings. Yes, Nadja and Addeth, both of these medications are generally considered to be safe during pregnancy, but you only take them, if a medical professional has told you to do so. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, diarrhea, and non-allergic skin rash. Is there anything else I c...

3 REPLIES Updated in Lithobid

While visiting in PA, I realised that I was going to run out of my Tegretol. Will I be able to refill my prescription in PA? I'm not leaving until Monday. ## You should be, since it is not a controlled substance, but it is up to the pharmacy in question, so you might be better served to check with more than one. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, mood changes, and weight changes. Did you have any luck?

1 REPLY Updated in Tegretol

Prescribed for bipolar/depression. Looking for information about this drug. ## The correct spelling of this drug is Zyprexa. It is classified as an atypical antipsychotic, and the active ingredient is called Olanzapine. Generally, it is prescribed for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

1 REPLY Updated in Zyprexa

what is lithosun 300 mg? what is its funciton?? ## Hi i used to take lithosun tablets. I was suffering from ocd((osbessieve compulsive disorder)). when my medication for ocd was complete i found that my brain was not active and there was no coordination in brain. Although lithosun used to ease my brain from anxiety i found my brain weak after medication pls help ## Lithosun contains the active ingredient Lithium, this is a very potent medication, which is often used as a mood stabilizer. Feeling those types of effects from using this medication is normal and if they don't go away, you should speak with your doctor. Other common side effects can include: nausea, drowsiness, weight gain and thirst. You can read more here: Did you have any other questions? ## am taking lithosun 300mg f...

16 REPLIES Updated in Lithium

Someone with knowledgeable info please help! This morning i woke up to find my truck had broken into and some items are missing. A laptop, a pocket knife and my meds!! I was at my girlfriends house and i keep an over night bag, with clothes, a toothbrush, deoderant, a contact case and some saline ect. Well i also keep my perscription bottles in there. I dont know why but i didnt take it into the house that night, my meds are two different doses on Lithium, Halpradol, Xanax, and Adderrall. Go figure the only ones taken were the xanax and adderall! I live in the state of pennsylvania. What do i do? Do i call the police or doctors office and in what order? How do i tell them this without them thinking im lieing and seeking meds? Can they be replaced? Does auto insurance cover theft? I dont...

4 REPLIES Updated in Lithium

I've been taking this tablet for the last 9 months and i'm seeing that there is a sudden overgrowth of my breast and tummy fat + I'm also feeling very drowsy and tired even with lots of sleep. Please advise. ## hi, i m 27yr old girl (unmarried),i have taken Zen retard 200 mg four times a day (800mg) for total 2years and the same problem i m also facing, i have got sudden overgrowth fat in my whole body but specialy in breast and tummy, please suggest any way to stop this overgrowth. ## Zen Retard contains the active ingredient Carbamazepine, which is an anticonvulsant and mood stabilizer. Learn more Zen Retard details here. And there have been some cases of it causing weight gain in some people that take it, but there really isn't a way to remedy it, as long as you are s...

7 REPLIES Updated in Carbamazepine

I m taking olanex frm 12 years since i wS diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I want to conceive now. Can i tke this medicine during pregnancy. Is it safe or is there any other med. Which i can use in its place during pregnancy ## This medication has been known to cause some risks to the baby during pregnancy, so it would be best to double check with your doctor to see if there are any alternatives that you can take, according to U.S. FDA reports. Other side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, mood swings, and weight changes. Are you on any other medications?

1 REPLY Updated

I would like to know if lithium is a narcotic? I'm having Mohs surgery on thursday and I have A LOT of anxiety & fear building up! I already had 1 procedure done this past thursday, where they had to give me 5 stitches. ## No, it is not a narcotic, it is most commonly used to treat various mental health issues, as well as severe headaches. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, and diarrhea. However, it can sometimes interfere with surgical anesthesia, so it would be best not to take it, without checking with your doctor. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Updated in Lithium

Hi, I have severe Nerve pain caused by Pudendal Neuralgia. I won't take Endone because of the constipation it causes which makes the Nerve pain worse. I have just been given Targin as we are running out oh options. I also take Tegretol and Lyrica at the highest doses and they do nothing! ## Hello, Sheila! How are you? Targin is listed as containing Oxycodone and Naloxone, so you may experience better results with it. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Have you tried it, yet? ## Hi all. Please advise how many times you can have hernia repairs done? Previously I had nine repairs recently, I had it done and a mesh was put in...

2 REPLIES Updated in Tegretol

My partner bashed me in the head and started the onset of complex partial seisures. I have tried Tegretol, Epelim & Topamax but all cause hair loss. I have stopped taking all medications for now and would like to find a drug that stops hair loss. My hair has started to grow back after stopping all drugs 8 months ago. ## If it has finally started growing back, then it may just be best to let it do it naturally, without medication interference. However, one that is used to increase hair growth is Spironolactone, it is used to treat many medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, as a diuretic, to replace potassium and etc. Hair growth is one of its side effects. You can learn more about it here: I've been taking the lowest dose available, for my blood pressure and low potass...

8 REPLIES Updated in Tegretol

I am very bi-polar with severe " generalized anxiety disorder" attacks" and panic attacks too often. I am on Paxin 40 mg. ,lithium-600mg,,.risperidon 2mg. But my xanax is 2ml a a day . I need 6 ml for the day.. for to be one 2mg. in the a.m. 2ml, at 12:00 and the last one to be about 7:p.m. to get through my day calmly without anxiety or panics attacksI have a little of agoraphobia, Been being treater for Bi-Polae foer 15 years. I know what works for my body...can you help? ## I'm sorry, but this site doesn't manufacture, sell nor prescribe any medications, this is an information only website. What is your doctor's reasoning for not prescribing more? 6mgs of Xanax in a day is a very high amount, since it is a Benzodiazepine and can be addictive. If you purchase t...

3 REPLIES Updated in Lithium

I have found a white tablet that has 54 over 452. On the other side there is only a straight line across from one end to the other. My husband and I want to try to find out what it is. We found it in the car of some acquaintances. Thanks. {edited for privacy} ## This tablet is manufactured by Roxane Laboratories and they list it as containing 300mgs of Lithium, which is an antipsychotic that has various medical uses. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, weight changes, sedation, somnolence, and weight changes. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Updated in Lithium

I'm taking Valproate Sodium 300 mg BD and Levipil 500 mg in the morning and 750 mg in the evening. However it is causing me to gain weight... Please tell me how to control my weight? ## Weight gain can be a normal side effect of these medications, according to the NIH. You may also experience nausea, dizziness, headache, and mood swings. How much have you gained? Are you on any other medications? What does your normal diet consist of? Do you get plenty of exercise?

1 REPLY Updated in Valproate Sodium

I started trimictal for bipolar. Slowly increasing dosage. But this week when I doubled again I Began getting pimples on my scalp.. ? Only other thing I take is subs and been on my em for 2 years. So not them. These things feel like built hairs real painful. Never experienced anything like it. Also night terrors started when I began trimictal. ## Hi Krissy, I haven't been able to find any information on a medication by the name of Trimictal, could you be referring to Lamictal perhaps? Based on my research, Lamotrigine, marketed in the US and most of Europe as Lamictal /lmktl/ by GlaxoSmithKline, is an anticonvulsant drug used in the treatment of epilepsy and bipolar disorder. It is also used off-label as an adjunct in treating clinical depression. For epilepsy, it is used to treat f...

3 REPLIES Updated in Lamictal

what is this drug used for? Mental problems? Lithium-type drug? What are effects of overdose? What if taken while doing cocaine? ## I think you mean the drug Seroquel ## Mark -- thanks for your response. You are absolutely right. I later found out the spelling was incorrect. Do you have any personal experience or know of any with this drug? ## Nancy, Personally I do not know of any personal experience with this drug. But what you might be able to do is go to the page for it and start a new forum discussion... Best of Luck! Mark ## no my doc. just wrote me my scipt. today. ## I think it's an anti-psycotic of some sort, this girl gave me 5 to eat and I blacked out, freaky s***. ## Seroquel is the name brand, sold by AstraZeneca, the active ingredient is Quetiapine. And yes, this is an...

7 REPLIES Updated in Lithium

Hi, I am on epitec 150mg in the morning and 250mg at night, as well as tegretol cr 400mg twice a day. My weight is piling on and causing me to be so depressed. What can I do? ## Weight gain can be a side effect of these medications, according to NIH reports. You may also experience headache, dry mouth, and mood swings. You could try asking your doctor about trying medications that are more weight neutral, otherwise, eating healthy and stepping up the amount of exercise you get are the only other real options to combat it. Are you on any other medications, or just these 2?

1 REPLY Updated in Tegretol

round white scored pill with 54 452 on it ## This is Lithium 300mgs, a generic for Eskalith. This is an antipsychotic medication. ## My back hurts really bad and I have anzity What will the 54 452 do? Is it a benzene ## I found the 54 452 from a while ago, Was wondering if it is like a pain pill, zanax,is it a Benz

3 REPLIES Updated in Lithium

My toddler found an orange/brown oval pill marked 271 in a toy we had been given second-hand. He's played with the toy for about a year so I don't know how/when it got there. ## Hi Amanda, Unfortunately the closest match I can find with an imprint of 271 is a round pink pill, identified as Carbamazepine (chewable) 100 mg; used primarily in the treatment of epilepsy. Manufacturer: Torrent Pharmaceuticals National Drug Code (NDC): 13668-0271 Is there perhaps any way that it might be pink in color as opposed to orange or brown? Hopefully someone else on here with this pill can offer their opinion as well. ## Hi. It's a generic Advil cold & sinus. More info at: It states the specific description near the end of the d...

6 REPLIES Updated in Carbamazepine

i am 33yr male used valprol cr 500 BD for epelipsy since a 10yrs under medical practitioner, now I am feeling erectile disfunction, kindly clear that it is side effect of the medicine or epelipsy ## My name is usama abdul kader . i am 27year old.i am consuming the tablet valprol cr500 mg ,oleanz5mg.usually night.but my father is telling me to take the tablet cromacid forte.i took so many medicines for cause i have bipolar what should i do? should i take morning also valprolcr500mg.My actual problem is i used to take One each the medicine "ValprolCR500 and Oleanz5mg"at night only for 3weeks.later i stoped the medicine for a week continously cause i thought i will get cure with-out medicine also.later i hit my dad and mom and i was hospitalised for 13days.still i know ...

6 REPLIES Updated

My sister takes take her tegretal and seroquel. Do these have a horrible impact upon each other? She seems like she's drunk all day. I believe it's the seroquel. I just want her to have some normalcy in her life and she definitely cant function like this. ## Hello, Laura! How is your sister doing? I'm glad you posted your concern, because she does need to speak to her doctor. She could be developing an issue with serotonin or something else, which has the potential to be dangerous. Normal side effects to Seroquel include nausea, dizziness, headache and dry mouth. How long has she been taking them? ## she just started taking the tegretol again about a month ago. Shes been on serequel since april. ## A month is long enough for it the serotonin to possibly be building up in her...

4 REPLIES Updated in Seroquel
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