Cancer Forums (Page 38)

Recently active Cancer forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Cancer and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.
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A Viadur implant was placed in my arm after having radiation treatments for prostate cancer. After one year the Viadur implant was replaced by another one. After one more year I was told that I would not need a Viadur replacement and that I could just leave the Viadur implant in place. I was experiencing heat flashes throughtout the time the Viadur implants were in place. Then one day I had intense pain in the left side of my head like an electrical shock. After several CAT scans and two MRIs it was determined that there was a tumor at the pituitary gland. I insisted that the Viadur implant be removed. I have gone through radiation treatments for this pituitary tumor and currently the tumor is no longer enlarging. And I no longer have heat flashes. Do I need to be concerned that by leav...

Updated in Viadur

The article on amifostine says it can ONLY be administered intravenously but this is NOT TRUE. Subcutaneous injection of amifostine has been shown to have the same cyctoprotective effect in the presence of radiation with reduced severity of side effects. This is easily verified with a little Google searching. PLEASE CORRECT YUR ARTICLE.

Updated in Amifostine

This drug is used for chemotherapy ## I WOULD LIK E TO KNOW HOW I COULD SOURCE AND BUY LIPATNIB IN INDIA OR DUBAI ## HOW CAN I BUY LIPATNIB WITHOUT PRESCRIPTION IN DUBAI OR INDIA ## hi my mom is suffering from breast cancer that to reoccure. pls help me. ## Sorry, this site does not sell drugs here, this is an information only website. Do you have any questions or information to share regarding this medication ? Please post back if you do... ## my mother has been prescribed lapatnib but it is not available in pakistan or dubai. pls tell me where i can get it from. thanx ## it is ava in the us, but lots of labs with it my daughter is on it for brain cancer

6 REPLIES Updated

How much would it cost for me to by it from you Through my DR. My wife has tried every thing and has problems with them. Humana does not want to pay any part of it. What would it cost me to buy it throught the DR? ## Are you talking about the drug Reclast ? It is manufactured by Novartis and it appears to be quite expensive. I don't think that this site sells any medications, it is a collection of discussion boards. You might try contacting Novartis directly to see if they offer any patient assistance programs: 1-800-277-2254 Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm EST Novartis Patient Assistance Program PO Box 66556 St. Louis, MO 63166-6556 I hope this helps. Please reply with any other information which you can think of.

1 REPLY Updated in Reclast

What is Broxine and what is it used for? ## From my records I was only able to locate that Broxine is used to as an in vivo prognostic test to measure tumor cell proliferation in breast cancer in 1997. Also, I believe Broxine was manufactured in Singapore. Is there any more information you'd like to know? Please post back if you do. ## You may have been speaking of suboxone, a drug for treating drug dependancy, the original poster will know if it refers to cancer or dependancy.

2 REPLIES Updated in Broxine

Is there anyone that has taken Reclast for severe osteoporosis that can give me any information on side effects? ## ## It has been a year since I took the reclast, and I had absolutely no side effects. I do suggest you drink alot of water. I traveled one hour and drank 64 ounces of water on the way, I did not want any kidney problems. I did not have any problems. I am 55 years old and have severe osteoporosis

2 REPLIES Updated in Reclast

I took my first treatment on 12/22, 12/23 for PLL. I have had constant headaches, fevers and chills going on two weeks now. Anybody else experiencing this? ## My husband just completed 3 treatments of Treanda from January through March. He suffered very little side effects (hair thinning, no weight loss). His 2nd treatment was the worst, with a lot of nausea and his vein was stripped. Other than that it was not too bad. On his last doctor's visit, he was told his blood work was absolutely perfect. ## Thanks for your reply. I have just finished five treatments and none were as bad as the first. No side effects and the cancer is gone from my blood. What is your husband's condition? Best wishes.

2 REPLIES Updated in Treanda

I was diagnosed with Prostate cancer in 2001. I had radiation treatment 4 years later. Last summer my psa begin to rise rapidly. I was put on casodex & then 3 weeks later I had a lupron shot. I have not had a shot since & I continue to take 50 mg of casodex daily. My psa has stayed down for 4 months. My next blood test is April 7. Is it a bad idea to just stay on Casodex? I had hot flashes when I had the Lupron shot. I am not having hot flashes when only on Casodex. If my psa does not go up, I would like to just stay on Casodex. If my psa begins to rise I believe my Doctor plans to give me another Lupron shot. Does this seem like a good possible approach to my situation?

Updated in Casodex

i'm on limited income, it's takin all my extra monies for my treatment of casodex daily, is there some program to help me and my wife out? between doctors, lupron shots, and the casodex treetment, we have nothing left. these treatment are keeping me alive, thank you. ron ## Hi Ronald, Sorry to hear about your challenges. Do you currently have health insurance coverage? If so, do they supplement the costs of Casodex? If not, are you able to qualify for Medical / Medicaid where you are? Just trying to throw some ideas out there with regards to what public assistance programs might be available to you. Also, you might try contacting the manufacturer AstraZeneca, because sometimes the pharmaceutical companies are able to offer their own assistance plans. You should not have to suffe...

1 REPLY Updated in Casodex

I have been on 17.5 mg of methotrexate once a week for 20 years. After 2 rca stents 4 years ago, blood work showed VERY high colesterol...422...I have been on 80mg Zocor and have 6 month blood work for both methotrexate and colesterol. I did not seem to have a colesterol problem until 4 years (that I know of) and was curious if Methotrexate had any effect as far as raising colesterol. There is no family history of high colesterol. I am 5'2, weigh 98 lbs and 61 years old.. ## my husband has high Colesterol and his sex drive has gone completely he is taking tablets, can this be the cause?

1 REPLY Updated in Methotrexate

I'd like to find out where I can fill a prescription for Zadaxin or its generic equivalent (Thymalfasin) which are actually Thymosin alpha 1. Thanks. ## Zadaxin is manufactured by SciClone Pharmaceuticals. You might try contacting them to see where their product is commercially obtainable: SciClone Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 950 Tower Lane, Suite 900 Foster City, California 94404-2125 Phone: (650) 358-3456 Fax: (650) 358-3469 I hope this helps. Please post back with any other questions or details which you would can include.

1 REPLY Updated in Thymalfasin

hormone treatment for endrometrial cancer ## this is Gayathri from bangalore i want to put on my weight i dont have any disease can i take megase without consulting doctor? just i want to gain weight as i am only 45 kg, so i want to increase about 5 kg more Is Megase will become remedi for my problems & what is the side effects of this medicine Pls help me about this as soon as possiable ## I am not certain if it is available in your country by prescription or not. Have you consulted a doctor about this?

2 REPLIES Updated

Hi, Sorry for my English but as the knowledge of this medicin is more advanced in the United States, I prefer ask my question here. My friend has a secundary breast cancer ( now it went to her liver ) and my question is, if Tykerb is so bad for the liver how come that her doctor prescribed Tykerb ? Any answer to what are her chances ? Many thanks. Martine ## Tykerb is for solid tumours such as breast cancer. During development it was known as a small molecule. Patients who meet specific indication criteria may be prescribed Tykerb as part of combination therapy for breast cancer. Pharmacologically, lapatinib is a dual tyrosine kinase inhibitor that interrupts cancer-causing cellular signals. I am unable to determine your friends reaction or positive treatment to the drug, due to the fac...

1 REPLY Updated in Tykerb

Round white pill with 555/607 on back and barr in front ## I located the exact match, Megestrol 40 mg is white, round and has the exact same inscription. Megestrol is a progesterone derivative with antineoplastic properties used in the treatment of advanced carcinoma of the breast and endometrium. When given in relatively high doses, Megestrol can substantially increase appetite in most individuals, even those with advanced cancer. Click on the link below the see the picture of the pill… For more information about this drug click on the link below… Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do.

1 REPLY Updated in Megestrol

immunity , 100% natural from plants ## I would like to be a direct importator of natural health treatments against cancer, against radiations, radicals and other diseases. I am 51 years old and I am living at Bucarest the capital of Romania. I would like to be contacted by Kombucha, Golden Yacca, himalayan plants, indian plans, South American plants manufacturies for a direct contract and a direct importation of all natural health products, because Romanian people needs help to become in good health. ## I am sorry, this site does not sell nor manufacture any drug or supplement products. You may wish to try doing a web search and see if you can contact the manufacturers directly.

2 REPLIES Updated

My Mother has lung cancer. She is taking radiation and Chemo carbo taxol. The Chemo Doctor said do not take Vitamin C with this drug as it will weaken the effectiveness. Is this true? I am a 25 yr breast cancer survivor. A nutritionist at the MD Anderson Clinic in Houston told me to take mega doses of Vit. C while going through my one year of Chemo. I did. I am alive today and I believe the Vit. C helped me. Is there some research on vitamin C and the chemicals given for cancer cure? Thank you!

Updated in Taxol

My sister is taking 10mg of morphne every 2 hours becuase she is dying of cancer is that a lot of morphne ## It depends first on her age, and what all other meds she is on ## No thanks I am usually pretty up on my pharma, but, I haven't took these in a long time so I couldn't remember. Mylan was the first company that popped into my head. I like the company brand. ## Also, when someone has a terminal condition that causes pain, narcotics will not hasten their death, so the doctor's goal is to just make her more comfortable. 10mgs is actually a very low dose for someone with pain from terminal cancer.

3 REPLIES Updated

Cancer drug needed to stay alive, looking for more details. ## I believe the drug you're looking for is called Gleevec. ## I would like details on how patients with leukemia from third world countries can get access to this drug at cheaper cost? I am in Kenya with a friend who really needs this drug badly. ## Sorry, this site does not sell nor prescribe drugs and I do not have any information on how to obtain it.

3 REPLIES Updated in Gleevec

research work need for the referencess. ## this drug is used for cancer by inhibiting DNA synthesis, killing rapidly replicating malignant cells. This forum is not a good source for research references. Try your school's library. ## I am also averse to doing anyone else's homework.

2 REPLIES Updated in Cisplatin

Is the medication Methotrexate a steroid ? ## No, if falls under the DMARD category. (Disease Modifying Anti-Rhuematic Drug) ## I take that medication for lupus. It is also used as a cancer chemotherapy medication. It can cause your blood sugar to go high, especially if you are a diabetic, cause severe headache, and diarrhea. ## Metho is sytotoxic, it inhibits an enzyme that participates in the production of folate (related to Folic Acid). Methotrexate acts specifically during DNA and RNA synthesis. It has a greater toxic effect on rapidly dividing cells. Your doctor must have explained you need supplement with enough folic acid (as high as 2-10 mg at least 5 times a week) and B12, as well as antioxidants and other vitamins and minerals. I hope you are taking curcumin, quercetin, boswel...

4 REPLIES Updated in Methotrexate
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