Epclusa And Low Vitamin D


Since taking epclusa tx 3 yrs ago I've had edema, nausea, infections, limb pain, and just discovered low vitamin D (had a reading of 20). Any info appreciated, thanks.

5 Replies

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Vit D is fine everything else is a mess we were lab rats search F B And search main drug you will find groups going through same as you I am full of infections viruses and bacteria my ears ring so loud I can’t wakj fro muscle and bone pain and neuropathy I wish there was a way to converse but search and you will. Find the hell we are living in

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Re: Emma (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry to here your having problems as well, before I started the treatment, the liver nurse assured me that any problems I might have they would be there to help, lol, I saw a liver dr once just to get me signed up,never saw him again, every time I tried to speak to the nurse she was always out ! when I did catch up with her she told me that DAAs Epclusa wouldn't be causing any problems, any side effects iwas having would be caused by the life style I used to live, said she never heard of anyone having problems on epclusa, and of course my dr believed her "being the so called expert" I knew what my body was going thru, I felt better pre treatment, IV had so many problems since treatment feel to tired ATM to pass on, I'm in Australia where are you? Hope your feelings prove a little, just wish there was something we could do, IV met some seedy people over the years but these so called liver experts are good liars. Take care

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Re: Emma (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Emma, I sincerely hope your neuropathy issues are not worsening. It's so difficult at the moment, as I can't even get in to see a doctor or visit the ER. Truly, we didn't need this Covid virus to appear. It has been more than 3 years since I took Epclusa and it's left me feeling mixed up. Nobody admits that Epclusa could have caused us harm! Whenever I mention any problem to my doctor, he dismisses it as 'probably age-related' or due to having had HCV for a long period. This, he says, likely caused my many problems. Do you ever experience body jerks or leg jumps, particularly when trying to relax? Mine have been progressively worsening over the last couple of years. I feel as if I've damaged my knee due to these sudden leg jolts which have been occurring daily of late. Additionally, I've been dealing with puffy feet and have recently been diagnosed with a Vitamin D deficiency—to add to my woes. I hope this year brings some improvement for you and for everyone else wrestling with the aftermath of Epclusa.

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All medications carry the risk of causing side effects, no matter what anyone claims, and I am very sorry that you didn't get the support you needed regarding such issues.

The FDA lists some of the possible side effects of Epclusa as including: anemia, fatigue, headache, cough, depression, back pain.

However, I didn't find any information about it being known to cause low vitamin D.

Ref: Epclusa Information

Do you have the option of consulting a different doctor?

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Re: Lou (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Emma. I'm in Australia. I just read your experience with Epclusa and Harvoni. I'm 70 now but have still got heaps going on medically: Asthma, COPD, neuropathic problems, nerves, ect... I would be very interested in contacting the legal people you mentioned who are in Texas who are looking into the treatment we did with Epclusa and Harvoni. Could you let me know any info please? Thank you. {edited for privacy}

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