Losartan Forums (Page 3)

Recently active Losartan forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Losartan and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.
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Just started on Losartan , previously was on lisinopril that didnt do anything to lower BP. After 3 days on Losartan I noticed my resting heart rate in now 100+… previously was 65 to 70 on any given day.. I was told it could take 2 to 3 weeks for Losartan to fully be in my system to see a change. Will my heart rate get lower once the med takes effect or is something wrong? ## Hello, Dom! How are you? The higher heart rate could be due to stopping the Lisinopril, if you stopped abruptly and switched to the Losartan, it may have caused a rebound effect that can include elevated heart rate and elevated blood pressure. However, it is always best to check with your doctor to be sure. If the Losartan works for you, you should eventually see an improvement in your heart rate. My heart ra...

7 REPLIES Updated

Hi, I have just taken another Losartan 100mg tablet that lowers blood pressure...No no no, down the hatch it has gone...Now I am worried although trying best not worry...The reason why I had accidently took the table was because having picked up the wrong box, it should have been an Atorvastatin 20mg tablet...This is the first time I have accidently done this.... I do feel really stupid for having not read the packet carefully ## Have to take a DMV test, is it ok to double up on my medication, which would be 200 mg of losartan & 10 mg of Norvasc at the same time ## Hi Luke, Sorry to hear about the mishap with double dosing. I realize you posted this about two weeks ago on the 1st of May and am curious to know how you're feeling at this point in time? Did you end up experiencing ...

13 REPLIES Updated

My mom had a change of b/p medication to losartan 100/25 hctz. After 2 weeks of taking it she developed a wet and dry cough with the need of clearing her throat. No sputum would come out. The cough gets worst at night when she is lying down. Can't sleep at night for the past 3 nights due to cough. She also has hoarseness with no throat pain. Has taken expectorant/ dexometropan over the counter medication but did nothing. Do u think it could be b/p medication or another underlying medical peoblem? ## Are you sure that wasn't Lisinopril? I've been taking Losarten prescrbed by my cardiologist for years with no side effects. Then my prephrenologist took me off the losarten and prescribed Lisinopril . I immediately develop a dry cough. Couldn't shake it off. Told my kidney Do...

3 REPLIES Updated

Hi. I took one dose of Losartan 100 mg & Amlodipine 5 mg at 8am & again the same dose I took by mistake at 8 pm. Will I be ok? ## In most cases, an occasional extra dose of this class of medications isn't really harmful, though it is best to double check with your doctor, or pharmacist. The FDA warns that the increased dosage could cause you to experience more severe side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination, and hypotension. How are you doing? Did you experience any adverse effects? ## Hi. I take 10mg of amlodipine in the morning at 8am and i've just taken another one by mistake at 9pm. Should I be worried that i've taken 2 in one day? ## Took 5mg amlodipine in the am and couldn't remember if I had taken it so I took 10mg at 11, abou...

6 REPLIES Updated

What if I took 50mg of losartan and 2 hours later accidentally took it again? What can happen? ## Hi Daisy, Sorry to hear about the mishap. In my opinion I think it would be best to notify your prescribing doctor (or poison control) of what happened so that they may be able to assist you in the event of adverse reactions, extreme hypotension, etc. If this happened to me I would also probably be monitoring my blood pressure levels frequently over the next couple days to get a better idea of how my body is responding. How are you feeling? ## I accidentally took 250 mg tablets of losartan 50mg. Will I be okay? ## Can you take two Losartan 50 mg tablets at the same time or should you take it in the morning and then at night? ## I took 50 mg losartan at 11:30 am then accidentally took anothe...

4 REPLIES Updated

I am suffering with muscle pains from my shoulders to my wrist on the left and right sides; and from the lower parts of my buttock down the back of my leg. I had been taking the above prescription for more than two weeks. I am also very sluggish, tired, and depressed. My hair is shedding at an alarming rate, the front is nearly ball. I am also suffering from severe dry skin and brittle nails. Can these symptoms be the result of this medication? ## Hello, Sis! How are you? I'm very sorry about the problems that you're having. How much fluid do you take in each day, not including anything caffeinated or alcoholic? HCTZ stands for Hydrochlorothiazide, which is a diuretic that removes fluid from the body and the symptoms you're experiencing could possibly be cased by dehydration...

14 REPLIES Updated

My grandmother'so Dr. told her to double up on her blood pressure medication. She is already taking Losartan 100mg...this would mean that she would take 200mg at one time. Is that safe? ## Hi Jess19, My opinion is that if her doctor instructed her to do so then odds are it probably is safe, since he/she has likely made this decision based off your grandma's medical records and an in-person evaluation of the condition (I would hope). Furthermore, 200mgs a day is reportedly the maximum recommended dose of Losartan Potassium - So your grandma's dosage still falls within FDA guidelines. As to how she might respond or react to such a dosage, only time will tell, as everyone is affected differently by these medications. However, it may be a good idea to closely monitor her blood p...

2 REPLIES Updated

What program should I follow to taper off and finally stop taking Losartan? ## Hello, Bob! How are you? What condition are you taking it to treat? If you have high blood pressure and stop taking it, you create the risk of your blood pressure going back up, again. There is actually no cure for high blood pressure, it can only be managed. This is especially risky, if the medication is the only thing keeping it down. Elevated blood pressure creates the risk of heart attack, stroke and congestive heart failure. Are you also watching what you eat and getting plenty of exercise? Losartan is an ARB that's most commonly used to treat high blood pressure, typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, hypotension, increased urination and headache. ## Thank you for the informat...

9 REPLIES Updated

I've been taking Losartan for mild hypertension. I also have terrible arthritis in my hips, knees, toes and back. I was fit before, apart from mild hypertension. I could have walked a marathon this time last year. I asked the doctor could it be Losartan, as I loved walking and now am not able to walk much at all. ## What types of symptoms are you experiencing? Can you please post back and clarify? Do you think it is causing the arthritis, or was it something you already had that you think it might be making worse? I hope my question aren't offensive, I am just trying to get to the root of the problem. The FDA lists the typical side effects of Losartan as possibly including nausea, dizziness, increased urination, gout, hypotension, diarrhea, and anorexia. ## I definitely believe ...

2 REPLIES Updated

I've been taking losartan for 4 weeks for terrible joint pain. I'm going to stop taking it since it has only been a month. Can I just stop it abruptly? ## Losartan is used to treat high blood pressure, and certain cardiac conditions. It will not do anything to help with joint pain. And according to FDA reports, stopping it abruptly can create the risk of rebound elevated high blood pressure and elevated heart rate. Are you on any other medications? ## Losartan, i have been taking the 100mg for a week for high blood pressure and i have at least 1/2 to 3/4 of the simptoms in the side effects... its giving major back pain... how fast in your opinion can i stop this??? ## My father has been taking losartan 25 mg for 2 months and started getting a dry cough for a month now... Do you ...

14 REPLIES Updated

double dose of losartan TAKEN BY MISTAKE . WHAT CAN I EXPECT ## Hello, Clarie! How are you? You may experience more significant side effects than usual, such as dizziness, drowsiness, headache, nausea and increased urination, as listed by the FDA. If you start to feel really ill, or extremely drowsy, then you should seek medical attention. What dosage are the tablets? ## I think I took two Lorisartain by accident 25 mg will it cause any problems? ## Will a double dose of the medication losartin hurt me ## I took a double dose by accident of 25 mg losartan this morning thinking it was my vit c Will I be ok with taking 50mg?

4 REPLIES Updated

Since I became allergic to lisinopril, I've been taking 1 losartan hydrochlorothiazide 100-12.5 daily for 2 yrs. for blood pressure. When in FL for the winter, the pill was a different size, assume mfg. by different company, and ankles didn't hurt. In NY, I get the same drug, a bit different sized, and now my ankles ache and perhaps a very small swelling on outside ankle bone. Is it possible that the NY pills cause this while the FL pills don't? ## Since I became allergic to lisinopril, I've been taking 1 losartan hydrochlorothiazide 100-12.5 daily for 2 yrs. for blood pressure. When in FL for the winter, the pill was a different size, assume mfg. by different company, and ankles didn't hurt. In NY, I get the same drug, a bit different sized, and now my ankles ache a...

3 REPLIES Updated

I am taking Losartan 50 mgs twice a day and I am getting terrible joint & muscle pain. Can it be from the meds? Orrrrrrr could it be from the simvistatin? ## Have you talked to your doctor about this? The first guess as to the culprit would probably be the Simvastatin, these statin medications are very well known to cause these types of side effects in some people that use them. This means it may not be the right medication for you to use and you may need to switch to something else. The Losartan can also cause these types of side effects, but it isn't known to do so as frequently as the Simvastatin. ## How many different medications are you taking with the Losartan? Based on information I've gathered, I'm thinking that Losartan is the primary cause of your joint and mus...

48 REPLIES Updated

Kindly tell me which of the following drugs are anticholinergic: Eltroxin; Bilacor; Estro Pause; Amloc; CiplaZar; (Losartan) Allopurinol; Puresis; Plenish K; Ultimag. Thank you. ## This is not a reply, but a thank you for helping me. I found the information you provided. God bless. Anita. ## Hello, Anita! How are you? None of the products you've listed are classified as anticholinergics, from what I can find. Eltroxin contains Levothyroxine (used to treat thyroid disorders), Bilocor contains Bisoprolol, Almloc contains Amlodipine, Puresis contains Furosemide, CiplaZar contains Losartan (all of these are used to treat high blood pressure and certain cardiac conditions), Allopurinol is used to treat gout. Typical side effects of these medications may include nausea, dizziness, headach...

3 REPLIES Updated

Can a losartan 25 mg tab be cut in half? It makes me have blurred vision. ## Yes, but you should only do so, if your doctor approves of your taking a lower dosage. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination, and hypotension. How long have you been taking it? Are you on any other medications? ## I take losartan 25 mg and sometime I get real dizzy and have blurred vision is there a smaller dose ## Do not cut in half if it's an extended/ slow release coated pill. If it has a groove on it it might be ok. Your safest bet is to contact a pharmacy. ## I month 25 mg. and I wake up in the morning and my back hurts so bad. I was thinking maybe I could cut it in half. Other meds are synthroid for hypothyroidism and 40 mg proton...

5 REPLIES Updated

EVERY TIME I GET A REFILL IT IS A DIFFERENT PILL. IT HAS IN THE PAST BEEN GREEN, NOW IT IS A VERY PALE YELLOW.. 50 MG OF LOSARTAN??? LUP??? DO NOT KNOW WHAT THE LUP IS?? AND WHY THE CHANGE EACH TIME. ANYONE TAKE SOMETHING LIKE THIS. LAST TIME IT WAS GREEN AND SAID TEVA USA ## Losartan is a generic medication and once a medication is available for generic production, it is usually manufactured by quite a few different companies. The reason whatever pills you get from your pharmacy may change regularly is due to the fact that, when they need to reorder, they will order from whichever one of those companies is offering the cheapest price, at that time. This is how they keep costs as low as possible for their customers that may not have insurance and might need to pay cash for their prescri...

16 REPLIES Updated

My blood pressure is up to 135/102 this evening. Can I take another losartan? ## No, Losartan is not a medication that will work to rapidly lower your blood pressure in such situations. It is a drug that must be taken regularly for several weeks, in order for it to reach its effectiveness level in your body. Learn more Losartan details here. Have you been exercising or doing a lot of activity just before taking your blood pressure reading? Had you been drinking anything with caffeine in it? How much sodium was in your meals for the day and the past few days? All of these things I asked about could possibly cause the type of elevation your seeing. What you need to do is contact your doctor and let them know, the 135 isn't a major concern, but the 102 is high and needs to be addressed...

11 REPLIES Updated

Can regular Losartan (without the "H") cause more frequent urination? ## Hello, Lovespits! How are you? Yes, it can. That can be a side effect of most blood pressure and cardiac medications, due to the nature of how they act in the body. Other side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache and hypotension. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Thank you so much for your answer. Ever since I started taking Losarton (without the water pill) I have had this problem. It was so bad that I was tested for diabetes. Between waking up several times at night and worrying about having Type II diabetes, my anxiety was probably adding to the problem. Your answer really helped. ## will frequent unination from taking losartan let up after awhile ## I have protein in my urine and fre...

4 REPLIES Updated

I took 100mg Losartan Potassium at 3pm but I think I may have taken one at 3 am also. I work shift work and I don't remember taking the 3 am dose. Will I have a problem taking a dose 12 hours apart? ## Hi Craig, From what I've researched, standard adult dosing for Losartan is considered to be anywhere from 25mg-100mg taken daily in one or two divided doses. However, the prescribing packet doesn't go on to mention any specific time intervals. Having said that, it seems to me like you're supposed to wait a full 24 hours after your last 100mg dose before taking anymore... So if you aren't sure about the time frame in which you took your last dose then I can't say there's a right or wrong answer... You may just have to be your own best judge through self monitori...

2 REPLIES Updated

Hello. My son is on 50mg Losartan for prevention of aortic root growth due to Marfan syndrome. After about six months of taking it, he started to experience episodes of feeling “funny.” This included brief nausea/drop in the pit of his stomach, dizziness, and a feeling like he didn’t want to move his arms and legs. In the recent past, this has progressed into what appear to be petit mal or absence seizures—brief periods of staring blankly and not responding. He still reports that sudden drop in the pit of his stomach preceding an episode and then a feeling of not wanting to move arms and legs. I asked his cardiologist if the Losartan could be causing those episodes and he was skeptical but agreed to take him off the meds for a week or so to see if they stopped. H...

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