Megase E (Top voted first)


Has anyone else (women in particular) developed pulmonary emboli within a few weeks or months after beginning the prescribed Megase ES dosage?
Crucial and life threatening for me.

3 Replies

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Megase-E contains the active ingredient Megestrol and the possibility of some people developing A thromboembolic disease is warned about in the possible serious adverse reactions section of the medication information.

And yes, the development of emboli can be very dangerous, at any location in the body, but particularly risky, when they are pulmonary.

I am very sorry that you've gone through this.

How are you doing, now?


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I read every word of every sentence when taking a prescription. THE only part of the small print about clots is small section that states "caution" in people with a history of thrombosis. I had no (and none since) any clotting issues. No family history. 5 doctors (off the record, after $3,000+ out of pocket concluded Megase. Today I am alive and my blood is great and I am not on any thinners. No need.

I am so angry with the company (and to a lesser degree my doctor) for not making it clear that as with birth control pills that advertise clotting out front, that Megase ES didn't have that warning. All I wanted was to develop an appetite after weight loss from chemo,etc.
The PE cost me more out of pocket than cancer. So, yes, I think a warning is very much needed. I cannot be the only woman this has happend to. Yet our numbers are small. Yet, thank you for your input. I mean that.

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MIna, unfortunately, when you get the information monograph from your pharmacy, it really only lists the top most common possible issues. They aren't really as detailed, as they should be, about the possible risks.

I understand why, it's because no one wanted to make the pharmacies print out a book, every time they filled a prescription, but then there are cases like yours, where there are specific medications that should have some type of prominent warning.

It has been done with the black box warnings for some medications, but not for all.


I know it doesn't help with what you've already suffered, but in the future, before taking any medication, you can stop by here and ask me for more details, or you can find them on your own.

When you really want to know what is going on with any particular medication, do a Google search for the name of and use the words full prescribing information, or physician prescribing information.

Either one of those will pull up a ton of detailed information that will give you the real low-down on something, before you take it.

As to gaining weight, one thing that many people have good luck with are just basic antihistamines.


In many foreign countries, doctor's will try them first, before resorting to harsher, more dangerous medications.

The one most commonly used is Periactin, it contains the active ingredient Cyproheptadine.


All medications carry risks, but you might want to look into this one and talk to your doctor about your other options.

Is there anything else I can do to help?

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