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I am 56 years old and am disabled due to a work-related injury therefore I am rich by no means! I have heard that they are considering taking methadone off the market due to too many overdose issues, plus people on it, get a prescription filled and sell it for profit making it even harder for folks like me who take my meds honestly as prescribed. If Methadone is removed from the market, what am I supposed to do? I already know I can not go off this stuff cold turkey and am scared. Does anyone know any doctors in the Warner Robins-Macon, GA area that prescribe Methadone ILLEGITIMATELY? I am not looking to sell meds, I just want to be sure I will not be in pain. I've been on Methadone since November 2008 and so far it works fine for me. I just neeed a backup plan just in case that doe...

55 REPLIES Updated in Methadone

I have been suddenly taken off of movantik because my insurance no longer covers it. I took it for OIC, it worked very well. This past week I’ve had to go without it and and I have experienced bloating, anxiety, sweats. Also I can't go to the bathroom no matter what I take in its place. Has anyone experienced anything like this? ## What else have you tried? It's kind of hard to make any suggestions, without knowing more details. There is another option available called Relistor, but since it is a name brand, your insurance may not cover it, either. Ref: Resistor Information When I was on opiates for pain, I had luck with just increasing my fiber intake using a fiber supplement. What does your normal diet consist of? Do you take in lots of leafy greens, and whole grains? ##...

2 REPLIES Updated in Movantik

I have been takin only up to 30 mg of percocet a day for the past eight months, I know that don't sound like a lot but I tried to quit and couldn't handle the withdrawals so I bought five suboxone 2mg and I'm wondering how I should go about treating myself, I want to be done with this, my life has turned upside down. Please help ## In reality, Suboxone is probably far too strong of a medication to be used for this, it is generally only used for people with severe addiction problems, that have been doing drugs and steadily increasing the amounts of them that they've been using for years. Doctors are also specially trained in the use of Suboxone, because the initial dosage has to be carefully calculated, to prevent withdrawals and then slowly tapered, over time, to enable ...

42 REPLIES Updated in Suboxone

I take 20mgs of methadone, im wanting to know what would happen if I switch to subtex and would it would be safe to start the same day? Took it 10 a.m. today. ## Absolutely NOT. I was switched due to a heart condition, did it in the hospital I was admitted to for a week til my heart got ok. Was sent home with subutex, 3 times a day. It's been about 6 weeksand I still have to show pos. for methadone. I went throu horrible withdrawal just 2 week's ago, every time I had taken it I got sick. Doctors said it made no sense. One doc explained that the subutex kicks off the other opiates. Up to you but I would never do it again. ## What Tracy has stated is correct, The Buprenorphine in the Subtext takes a stronger hold on the opiate receptors, which is why it's used to help prevent ...

2 REPLIES Updated in Methadone

Swim was on suboxone then he stoped taking it as i was on the biodone and he started running with me, he had around 12 mg of bio 24 hrs befor taking a quart of a 2 mg sub an hr later he took another quart an hr later he went into severe sweating, spuing ,diahrea and worst of all his whole body felt like it had been electrified,it has been 14 hrs and his skin is still on fire.Can anyone rekomend anything to ease this pain ## It sounds like he may have had an allergic reaction to the drug, but in cases like this I would highly recommend getting some activated charcoal to help rid his body of the drug. According to Dr. Al Sears, MD. he wrote an article that spoke of: "Most poisons in your body are attracted to charcoal even prescription drugs. Since your body reacts to most prescriptio...

4 REPLIES Updated in Suboxone

Hi. My girlfriend is a recovering addict and takes suboxone regularly (prescribed). Its hard for me to tell the difference between the side effects of suboxone and the dope. She stays up all night restless and cleans and gets moody often. She also takes Prozac and was prescribed topamax but does not take topamax. Can you tell me if this is normal? Also is it possible to feel high off of proxy or H while on suboxone? ## Unfortunately, nobody would be able to answer your first question with any certainty but your GF, simply because side effects to the same meds may vary significantly among different people. There are certain tell tale signs that should make you suspicious...but then I'm sure you wouldn't be asking this q if you weren't already. That means you are at a point wh...

6 REPLIES Updated in Suboxone

I have been on suboxone now for just under a month. I think it is an amazing drug, i have had no cravings or interest in returning to opiates, my drug of choice was oxy. I get up every day feeling happy, and am able to take on what ever the day brings me. I am also on lexapro for depression at this time. There is one problem after i take my dose, which is 8 mg. twice a day, I am extremely tired sometimes to the point where if i sit down I will nod off, so I keep moving and can usually fight through it. I am wondering do other people feel this way or does it get better the longer you are on it? Two other things that are sometimes very bothersome are dizzyness and extreme dry mouth. I just wanted to find out other peoples experiences. Thanx ## Hey yea I get the same nod as you, it starts ...

262 REPLIES Updated in Suboxone

I was taking Suboxone films for over two years and they worked incredibly well for me. This month I was switched over to the generic Suboxone tablets (the orange, round AN 415) because my insurance will no longer pay for the films. I am already having plenty of issues with the new medication. First of all, it takes over 1.5 hours for one tab to dissolve under the tongue. I take two 8/2mg tabs, so it takes over 3 hours a day to take these meds. It doesn't even dissolve completely after this time frame; it just turns into a large, thick pile of paste that sits under my tongue and between my bottom teeth. The taste is nauseating, especially when it is sitting in my mouth for over three hours. Either the dosage is not the same as the films, or these tabs are not absorbing correctly, bec...

3 REPLIES Updated in Suboxone

I don't know how to go about this as I am shaking and can barely focus, I need help! Please. I fear that my life is going to end from my abuse of opiates. I am currently taking 250 mgs of oxycontin per day. I have a loving fiance and a stepdaughter that I want to be here for. I sit here with cold sweats, and fear going out just because I may make the fearful turn to the meds. Any and all info on how to obtain Subutex would be much appreciated. This wasn't what I wanted my life to be, and I can not let it end this way..Please help me. I am not a religious man but I pray for help as I am at my wits end with this drug. ## If you are that desperate for help, then why are you worried about being specific about the thing you use for assistance? There are not many doctors out there tha...

390 REPLIES Updated in Subutex

Has anyone gotten the white w22 generic suboxone tablet? What is your opinion on them? This is the first time I got them and they are awful. They don't work the same and make you extremely tired. Also the taste of them is like you have artificial sweetener under your tongue. Very nasty. Never want them again. What does everyone else think? ## I love they're the only ones that I like. I love that they don't have the nasty over powering orange taste. But can I ask a question? What pharmacy did you get them from cuz I'm moving and need to know where to get them! ## I hate the w22 when I take them I feel like they don't work at all. I've been on duotone or subutex for about 12 years and this is by a landslide the absolutely worse one that I've tried. And I have p...

4 REPLIES Updated in Suboxone

Methadone is the worst drug and most wicked drug in this entire world. They give it to people like me with pill problems and then you can never get off the stuff. I made the worst mistake of my life going into a Methadone program. The people at these places pretend like they are there for you but they are not. They are there to keep you on this drug that rots away at your mind and body, and they do it well. They want your money. Do you know how cheap liquid methadone is? They milk off your addiction and act like they are doing something good for people like me. I HATE Methadone. I hate what it's doing to me and I HATE that I came in this place for a pill addiction four years ago, at 22, told I had one year and I would be weened off and here I am. I fight with these people all the ti...

90 REPLIES Updated in Methadone

My son was on oral methadone for 3 years. He got arrested and was in rehab for 5 weeks. During that time he detoxed from the methadone. When he got out he was clean for a year then one morning his son found him dead. Wife said it was a methadone overdose and they wrote it off as suicide. There was no drug paraphernalia at the scene and none in his stomach. Just what he had for supper. No stomach flush was done on him. I have researched this for four years and am currently trying to get murder charges pressed against two people that have admitted to others they did it. There were no other drugs in his body and from what I have read and researched being injected with the amount he was on and detoxed from would have killed him. The Pathologist said he wouldn't have time to even remove ...

2 REPLIES Updated in Methadone

I need to find a doctor that will prescribe Methadone for pain use. They wont even let me go to clinic because i was on it for pain for many years ## I live in south bend Indiana and was going to a methadone clinic for 8 yrs, I then found a dr. who wrote me 10-10mg pills a day which is 100mg a day. That was what I was on at the clinic. Then I started getting dirty drug panels and after the 4th one he stopped writing for me so I went back to the clinic and they toke me back on with no problems. I have never heard of the methadone clinic turn anyone down due to getting it for pain from a doctor originally. I know too many in Indiana and in Tennessee and Florida who started clinics because of doctors not writing anymore for pain management. ## I know, right. It's unheard of. I even had...

11 REPLIES Updated in Methadone

I am starting Suboxone after using oxy for over 3 years after being a college and after college drunk for 8 years. So 11 years of being additcted to something and now I move to Suboxone. However I am reading that alot of people use suboxone for months and months, but i'm planning on going for just a month or so. Some may laugh, but i cut cold turkey oxy after I ran out on my honeymoon. That is a pathetic story. I had a plan to quit before my wedding and am a successful 30 year old self employed contractor, and just kept delaying and of course I run out on my honeymoon thinking I had enough but the extra walking around Greece and Italy led me to making phone calls home to try and get it sent to me by my friend (which I think was illegal) and then I spent part of my day in Santorini w...

5 REPLIES Updated in Suboxone

Does the Suboxone pill with 5721 on it taste like oranges to anyone else? ## No. I just googled the exact question, then put them in my mouth and are completely DIFFERENT tasting. The round white pill 5721 is almost like an Altoid, although I just brushed my teeth before I took the dose, so that may affect my tasting. Your answer is no. ## The inactive ingredients in this tablet were listed as: acesulfame potassium, citric acid anhydrous, corn starch, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, mannitol, povidone k30, trisodium citrate dihydrate. So. it's possible that the citric acid can cause a slight citrus like taste. The FDA also warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and const...

2 REPLIES Updated in Suboxone

I have been prescribed the 54 411 buprenorphine pills for about 7 years now. After my last doc visit I filled my script and they told me the same thing about the 54 411 not being available anymore and I got the 460's from them instead. My opinion...they SUCK! Feels like it has about 1/4 the amount of the 8mg it's supposed to have in it. I've been struggling all month with trying not to take more than I'm supposed to. I'm prescribed 1 8mg pill a day and have been happily taking that dose for about 3 years now down from 2 a day. Why this change has happened I have no idea but for me it's not a good thing at all. Besides the huge difference in price I have nothing good to say about the 460's. Does anyone know of a pharmacy that still carries the 54 411? I use CV...

45 REPLIES Updated in Buprenorphine

Me and my boyfriend were taking 30 mg of methadone every day for a year or so, and decided to go the suboxone route. His Dr told him as long as he was taking 30 mg a day he was ok to dose... ha!!! Oh my god we got so sick, him more than me, we are now on our 4th day and I feel fine, actually just normal, don't feel medicated, but he still can't shake the sickness, he says he had no energy, sick to his stomach, anxiety,depression, I don't know what to do. He had tried taking a small about 2mg and still feels the same as when he takes 8mg. Could it still be the methadone? Is there any relief? We have kids and jobs we have to be here for. Anyone with any experience please please please help. Thanks ## Who ever your Dr is needs his head checked..it don't matter how much meth...

4 REPLIES Updated in Suboxone

This is for people who actually take Subutex for the intended purpose for which it is used. So if you actually take the medication sublingually, this thread will help you. I have been taking buprenorphine for three and a half years now. This is what I have found: (8mg) Best: Actavis 153/half moon (orange) Middle: Roxanne 54/411 (white) Worst: Hi-Tech 8/arrow Again, this is for people who take medication as prescribed. You can actually break the medication in half and put it and the front of your lip like dip & chewing tobacco. It will take longer for it to dissolve like this but you will get much much more of the bupe. ## Does keeping the leftover saliva\bupe mixture under your toung for longer periods help at all? I try not to swallow the bupe-liva for 30 min.+...but it's a pai...

215 REPLIES Updated in Subutex

So I went to the pharmacy yesterday to get my script and they told me they were out but they would have more tomorrow. When I picked my script up it wasn't what I normally get. They told me it was a generic but I have never seen them before and I have been in treatment for years now. I have tried looking them up but can't find any reviews or anything really on them. Has anyone ever gotten these? And do they work as good as the 54 411? Also it is kind of minty which reminded me of suboxone and I'm not prescribed suboxone. ## I just got them too. Ive never seen these before either but i dont notice the difference in how they work. They pretty much work the same. ## This tablet is manufactured by Sun Pharmaceuticals and they list it as containing 8mgs of Buprenorphine. The FDA ...

62 REPLIES Updated in Buprenorphine

I am addicted to strong pain meds and I am tired of having to come off of them, the withdrawal is awful. I went to a urgent care doc and was prescribed suboxone. I take anxiety meds too but he wants me to stop. I really need the anxiety meds but he wants me off them. How do I get him to change it from suboxone to methadone so I can take my anxiety meds? ## Legally, he can't. To get Methadone for addiction treatment in the U.S. requires that you go to an actual Methadone treating clinic, private doctors aren't allowed to prescribe it for addiction treatment. What anxiety medication do you take? Did he say why he wants you to stop taking it? ## Valium and in sc he is licensed to prescribe and treat me sumboxone is like methadone it us prescribed the same as methadone ## how about ...

421 REPLIES Updated in Methadone
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