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i want to know the price of Zynapze 500 mg ( citicoline) ## this is an information only website, this site does not manufacture, prescribe nor sell any medications, so I don't have a price for you, it depends on where you are located and can vary from pharmacy to pharmacy. Citicoline is used to enhance memory and help with cognitive defects. Learn more: Are there any comments or questions?

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I did missionary work recently in the dominican rep in Haina and one of my patients (Iam a DoctorMD) wanted to get this drug for her medical condition. She has little to no money,but told me this drug helps her alot since her stroke. Can You tell me who to contact to get this medicine for my patient for free or reduced cost.?(as I heard its expensive.) Do you have the name of a pharmceutial co or representitive anywhere in the world I can e mail or contact directly PLEASE. Thanks


citicoline indication and contraindications ## It is believed to help with memory and cognitive functioning. As to more detailed information, we really do not have any. In the U.S. is not approved as a prescription medication, it is actually used over the counter in some energy drinks and supplements. The information we do have is here: Was this prescribed for you? ## I need citicoline detail

2 REPLIES Updated in Citicoline

Doctor advised medicine, SOMAZINA-500mg twice a day for my mother in law, 3 months back. This was prescribed along with other medication like Atorva, Deplatt, Betaloc, Rantac, after 3 consecutive brain strokes occured in 1 year time. She was on all medicine except SOMAZINA ( as advised by doctor) before third stroke occurred. I would like to know if SOMAZINA is to be continued for life time.


I'd like to know more about about Citicholine's indications and the recommended duration of use. ## Citicoline is believed to work on the Dopamine receptors of the brain and to help with cognitive impairments. However, in the U.S., it has not achieved drug status, because there have not been enough studies to prove its efficacy and possible dangers. Thus, I also have no information on how long it should be used, you should consult your doctor for that information and use it as they direct you.

1 REPLY Updated in Citicoline

i cant help but want to cook down the pill to inject just the opiate,throw away the gunk.thing is there low dose, should i do 3?ive only done dilauda8 before ## This is not a safe practice, regardless of what method you use to do it. There is no way, outside of a lab, that you could possibly remove all of the fillers from the actual opiate. Since many of them are not intended to be broken down by the human body, you will still be injecting some in a way that doesn't enable your body to get rid of them. This creates a very real risk of blockages, that could result in stroke and embolisms. Are there any other comments or questions?

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my doctor started me on oxycotin 30 last week. I was on oxcotin 40 OC. the 30 have made me ill. I shaKE, MY MIND IS CONFUSED AND OTHER SYMPTU YMS. i HAD TO STOP THEM AFTER 3 DAYS. i HAD A STROKE aUG. 30TH. tHEY MADE ME FEEL LIKE WAS GOING TO HAVE ANTOHER STROKE. mY ARMS WERE SHAKING, THEY WOULD FALL WHEN i LIFTED THEM. i AAM VERY AFRAID OD OF OXYCOTIN 30 MG. wHAT CAN i HAVE PERSCRIBED THAT IS LONG LASTING? oXYCOTIN oc? Please help me. Nancy I am 57 yrears old. ## If the doctor put you on a lower dosage and you went down from 40mg to 30mg, then the shaking and other symptoms you had could have been from the adjustment. Even if you do not abuse a medication, your body still gets used to having that substance in your body in a certain amount and will react to any change. This is what cause...

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Are there any discount coupons available for CerAxon? How can I find them? ## CerAxon is not actually a drug, it is a supplement that contains Citicoline, in the U.S. this available over the counter in many products, including energy drinks, and it is claimed to help with mental alertness and memory. I do not see any discount offers on their site, which is normal for these kinds of products, they charge a premium price for something that is not actually proven to help with anything. If you want to try Citicoline to see if it helps you, or someone you love, there is no need to pay outrageous prices. As I said, it is available in many products, all you need to do is go to any local drug or vitamin shop and ask them where their selection of it is located. You can get one for a much better ...

1 REPLY Updated in CerAxon

My father was prescribed Citicholine(Somazina). I found that 1000mg of Citicholine was too harsh from him. He is suffering from Thrombosis(Clotting) and but his condition is stable now. Also, Can somebody advise whats tyical time frame for Citicholine. They are really costly here. ## Is citicholine 500 mg per day sufficient for a stable condition. ## this site is not medical professionals, so we cannot guess what dosage is appropriate for his condition. Only his doctor can do that, have you spoken to them about it? In the U.S. Citicoline is not even classifed as a drug, it is a dietary supplement that is used in some energy drinks. It has been shown to increase mental focus and possibly improve memory. ## neurologist adviced my mother to take citicolin sodium 500 mg twice a day due to c...

3 REPLIES Updated in Citicoline

citicholine 500mg IVTT ## Citicoline is considered a psychostimulant/nootropic substance, in the U.S. it is available over the counter in some energy drinks. As to the mechanism of action, I am not a chemist, so I really don't know, but you may be able to find more information in the article and references here:

1 REPLY Updated in Citicoline

My mom some time loosing the memory,was given this tablets by here doctor ## Somazine contains the active ingredient Citicoline. Citicoline is a psychostimulant medication, claimed to help with mental processes and memory. In the U.S. it can be found in many energy drinks and supplements. Do you have any questions?

1 REPLY Updated in Citicoline

Dr.George Reddy Rxed for my son who is autistic ## Strocit contains the active ingredient Citicoline and is believed to help with some memory issues. This, however, is not proven and in the US it is only sold as an over the counter supplement in some types of energy drinks. As to the dosages available, I am not sure. What country are you in? With this information, I can try to find this information for you.

1 REPLY Updated in Citicoline

Citicholine tab.(somazina) indication,contraindication, is it useful in cerebral palsy patient? spastic c.p. ## prescription lakhava thi matlab ## Citicoline is a psychostimulant medication. Does anyone else have more information on this? ## This site gives u a pretty good explanation about Citicoline ## citicholine drug ## 8ty ## good

6 REPLIES Updated in Citicoline

nursing responsibilities of citicoline ## nursing responsibilities of citicholine ## n ## These questions do pop-up a lot, unfortunately, this site is not medical professionals and do not have access to this information. In the US, it is used in various energy drinks and sold as an over the counter supplement. What information we have on it is available here: Is there anything else I can help you with? ## what is nursing responsibilities for citicoline? ## nursing responsibility for citicoline

5 REPLIES Updated in Citicoline

I have had a HEAD INJURY about 3 weeks ago. They gave me five head stitches, I got a CT Scan that told me I have a Minor Skull fracture at the left side of my forehead and a forehead blot clot as well. I was given medication thru IV for the next 9 days that I was admitted in the hospital. Upon discharge, I was instructed to take the capsule version of Zynapse. I've been taking it for around one week now and I've noticed I have an impaired vacuum hearing and then just 1 or 1 days ago I've notice my sense of SMELL is slowing going away. Are these two side-effects of the Zynapse drug? I am going to take it for around 3 weeks more and I need to know. Thank you. Cathy ## Zynapse contains the active ingredient Citicoline, it is given sometime to patients who suffer a brain injury ...

1 REPLY Updated in Citicoline

HAD A STROKE IN 2006, NOW TAKING LOSAR25, EPTOIN 100 3 TIMES, ECOSPIRIN AV 150, FRISUM5. JUST WANT TO KNOW CAN I LEAD LIFE AS BEFORE ? ## my mother is taking gabaneuron for tremors whch is working very well.she is 78. I want to know long term side effcts.pls reply.

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I wanted to get some information about a medication that I heard about. It is known as Freedox, but I am not sure if its common in the U.S. ## Freedox (Tirilazad Mesylate) is an injectable medication. I was unable to gather much information on this drug except locating the active ingredient Tirilazad Mesylate, proposed for use in the treatment of stroke, though results so far have reportedly been mixed.

1 REPLY Updated in Freedox

feeling pain on the neck and sometimes headaches. ## Citicoline is actually used to help increease mental alertness. It is, however, considered a supplement, so the side effects of it have not been studied. Have you tried asking your doctor about this?

1 REPLY Updated in Citicoline

i am taking vaneular( vit B1,6,12) at lunch and arcallion two times a day, lexapro every other day, xanor 500mg every night before taking a sleep, im experiencing forgetfulness, lack of concentrations due so many problems not till i unnotice the med i took was not yet unwrap, but after i swallow i knew it assoon as possible and began to cry and cry, was hysterical thought i might going to the early stage of akzhaimer, im only 50 years old, my dok advise me to confine asap and rest, there he gave me zynapse citicoline through iv, want to know also im having neck pain every day and sometimes back pain. one thing im taking lipitor 80mg, please email me the cause of my headaches, neck pains, back paibs, forgetfulness, is it side effects of the medicines or what? thank you ## Well, this site...

1 REPLY Updated in Citicoline

hello there i am community pharmacist and i have heard from a neuro physician that citicoline causes epileptic fits in kids and its going to be banned world wide. how far it is true please update i will be highly greatful. regards nabeel ## Could you please tell me more about this? What physician told you this? I really need to know more as I took this when I was pregnant. Thanks!

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