Cetzine Side Effects
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I have a sneezing problem from past 5 years. As of now as advised by my family doctory, I'm taking Cetzine tablet whenever i have sneezing problem. Is it ok?. I want to know that it will produce any side effects. If yes, please let me know in details.

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Hi Mr. Sukhveer,
Your message looks promising as i am also suffering from allergies especially dust. Canyou elaborate more on the yoga that u had mentioned in your mesage, like how to do them and how often should we do etc.

Thanks and regards

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I am using Cetazine since last 15 years
& I don'g see any side effects

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Cetirizine has lot of side affects on your body which you will see after some days or months. So pls try some other ayurvedic treatment like giloy kwath and shwasari kwath are very helpfull for respiratory allergies.

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I was suffering from sever sneezing issue in childhood. almost it lasted for 10 years. Even with the smell of cooking oil + dust , I used to have allergy. I visited many specialist but no one was having any answer. However , all symtoms passed away when I started doing DHOTIS ( Yoga Kriyas) .. Jal Dhoti + Jal Neti.

Now I do ..once in a month just to keep my nose clean... No matter how much is a dust ..it never troubles me :)

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Possible side effects are dryness of mouth , retention of urine , blurred vision and minor stomach discomfort .

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I have severe skin allergy with itching and urticaria. I am 65+. Over the years, I have taken various tablets, e.g. Montair LC, Livociterizine, Teczine etc. but it has given no permanent cure; the moment I stop, the symptoms return. I am a vegetarian but take eggs once in a while (not very often). Can someone with similar problems, suggest some good remedy. Thanks in advance.

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iam 62 yr. old diabetice insluin dependant. i am in greneda away from my home in the states. i have been bitten by all kind if insects which have cause me great discomfort from itichy to burning skin it it ok for me to take this also will it cause me to bo sleepy all the time?

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I have a lot of allergies, including dogs and cats, dust, etc. I have 1 dog and 2 cats at home which makes it impossible not to sneeze every 2 minutes. I have been taking Cetzine every alternate day for the past 2-3 months. Is it safe to have it everyday?

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Cetirizine is an antihistamine, this used to help prevent allergies.

That said, it can help with sneezing that is caused by allergies, however, it will not help with Tonsilitis or sore throats, since these are normally caused by infections and not allergies.

Common side effects to this may include: nausea, drowsiness and dizziness.

You can read more here:


Is there anything else I can help you with?

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I have throat infection problem which is very senistive. If i drink or eat any cold stuff it leads to Tonsilitis and the initial stage it begins with irritation in the tonsils
Should is go for Cetzine? Does it have any side effects?

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