Secnidal Use


i had sexual intercourse with a woman last evening. She is taking this drug and I would like to know what it is used for please

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The manufacturer states that:

"Secnidal® is a highly effective amoebicide and active against E. Histolytica, G.lambia and T.vaginalis.

Secnidal® is a unique amoebicide to be given as Single-Dose therapy.

Secnidal® is indicated in intestinal and hepatic amoebiasis, Giardiasis, trichomoniasia and bacterial vaginosis." [1]

If you don't mind me asking, what country are you writing from? Could not find much info about this in U.S. prescribing info. Please post back if you have any other questions or information to add.

[1] http:/­/­­live/­pk/­en/­layout.jsp?cnt=0C3DF8A1-7EF2-4392-B58E-A187CEAEB271

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secnidal is used for various purposes but one that is very particular use is a fungus on penis or vagina. be careful and find out exactly what it was used for..if she was using it for this (fungus) you need to take it too. for approximately 7 days

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