Side Effects Dipheniatrop
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What are side effects of dipheniatrop

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In regards to issues like the one posted by Grandma, though I am not inferring that it's what she was doing, since I have no way of knowing her background story, but I would like to use it to bring up something that I do see happening very frequently…

When a problem like diarrhea, anal leakage or other gastrointestinal issues occur, the first thing many people do is look for a medication to fix it, but what they don't do is try to figure out what's actually caused the issue to see if there is a different, non-drug related solution.

I'm also not trying to tell anyone that they shouldn't consult their doctor about a medical problem, because that's always the best thing to do, however, what I am saying is that sometimes there may be simple solutions that don't risk all the possible side effects and problems that medications can cause.

For instance, if you have diarrhea or anal leakage, the first place you should look is at your own lifestyle to see if anything has changed recently that may be causing it.

If you've been traveling and eating out a lot, then you may find the solution to your problem is just to make better dining choices while doing so. Or if you can't do that, it should still resolve itself, once you're home and back to your normal diet and activities.

If you've changed your diet at home and suddenly are eating differently, that may also be the cause of your problem and it may take awhile for your body to get used to the new diet, or you may need to make changes to it to prevent them occurring again.

Our bodies also change with time, so it's possible that you are now reacting badly to something that has never bothered you before and you may need to go through the process of elimination to discover what's causing it.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't always just rely on a medication to resolve the problem. There are some cases where a medication should only be a temporary fix or assist, if used at all, rather than the complete and final solution.

Sometimes, things should be likened to getting a dental infection. An antibiotic can help clear it up, so the toothache and swelling subsides, but if you don't get the underlying issue taken care of by seeing a dentist, then you're going to keep needing the antibiotics, because the infection will return over and over again.

Now, Lomotil is a medication that's commonly used to help treat or prevent diarrhea, but it does carry some side effect risks, since you are adding foreign chemicals to your body.

And Lauren actually provided a pretty good list of some of the side effects it can cause.

You can learn more Lomotil details here.

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My problem is anal leakage. I would like advice as to what I can do to stop it. I have been given Lomotil 2.5 two a day but it hasnot given me any relief. Do you have any suggestions?

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Since I've been taking this med I have gained some weight I feel bloated and swollen. Is this normal?

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