Eliquis And Weight: I Need The Truth (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Today I am speaking with my hemotologist about switching from Xarelto to Eliquis. Xarelto has caused me, a runner with a very slim diet, to gain almost 14 pounds in 4 weeks. 7 of those pounds in the last two weeks.

I need to know of any serious weight gain issues with Eliquis. Doctors always swear that the side effects listed are the only ones but I was never told by my doctor nor the literature that Xarelto causes abnormal weight gain either. Google had to tell me that after yesterday's terrible weigh-in. I'm looking for absolute candor. I am 34 and female and I'd be taking it for PE.


102 Replies (6 Pages)

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I had heart paplations at the time i was stressed out i was taking care of my brother who was dying. My family dr sent me to cardiologist he put me on blood pressure meds. I wore a heart monitor for a week it showed 1 episode of AFib, that was 4 months ago. I had Ekg was normal . I have never had anymore symptoms, however my cardiologist wants me to take Eliquis i dont want to take it if its not necessary. I've had surgeries and have never had a dvt. Dr says he wants me to take as a prevention. Saw cardiologist today he didnt evan listen to my heart im going to go to my family Dr and ask for different cardiologist. Im a therapist i. Just dont think i want to take medicine until its proven to me its necessary. What would you do?

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Re: Karen (# 39) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Karen. I don't blame you for not wanting to take meds for life without knowing your true need. I have a blood clotting condition but its never caused me big problems yet. Hematologist wants me on blood thinner for life, but for now I am off them and trying more natural methods. I take a lot of vitamins and minerals for my bones and added vit C, vit e, fish oil, and extra magnesium to the mix, as I've read they help thin blood.
So far so good- the tiniest cut bleeds and bleeds! ??????
Remember- it's your body! And Dr's make these assertions because they are textbook... and protect them if something happens to us!

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I started Xarelto 4 months ago for DVT"s in both of my lower leg saphenous veins. My weight, which was then "mildly obese" at 260 pounds (I am 6 feet tall) shot up over 40 pounds in 4 weeks! No change in diet or activity level. My MD switched me to Eliquis 5mg daily, and the gain stopped, but I haven't lost any, either. I also experience shortness of breath, and dizziness if I bend over too quickly. I stopped Eliquis today, at my MD's suggestion. A risk for further DVT's? My saphenous veins were radio-ablated.

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Re: Ryan F (# 52) Expand Referenced Message

Try blood thinning vitamins and minerals- like vit E, C, D, fish oil, magnesium.

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I gained 12 pounds rapidly with Eliquis plus many horrible side effects. Xarelto was not as bad. I had an ablation and several months later got off it and take an aspirin a day. I’ve lost 8 pounds in a month and still losing.

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I gain 12 pounds rapidly with Eliquis among many other horrible things. I had an ablation and I’m off all of these poisons.

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Re: LoriE (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve been on eliquis for 2-1/2 years with seemingly no problems. But, I could never lose weight. I got off it for a surgery and lost 7 lbs in 1-1/2 weeks. Granted I’m not eating quite as much and I’m not drinking wine but I’m also not working out at all while I heal. I’m wondering if it’s the eliquis.

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Re: Ryan (# 63) Expand Referenced Message

It is the blood thinner. Off for about six weeks and lost the twelve pounds I gained without changing anything.

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Re: Bruce (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

I have been on Eliquis for about 2 months and I have put on over 10 lbs. and very tired .

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Re: Ellie (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

I also take Eliquist 2 times a day 5 mg for DVT’s and PE’s . I have gained 10-12 lbs in two months and I want to sleep all the time . It does the same thing to me . I didn’t want to go back to war fin but I might have too. Have you found out anything else . For a couple of days I went down to one a day and couldn’t believe how much better I felt but I know that is dangerous . This is third time I have had DVT’s and first time for PE’s . I hope you feel much better.

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Re: Sally (# 68) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, I have gained 20 lbs and feel so tired on Eliquis. This is my third time with DVT’s and had PE also. I have factor 2 and 5. I am a incomplete SCI and I have worked so hard to come back to walking and now these blood clots have pulled me this far down.

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I have been on Elquis for 7 months and I have gained 12 lb and tired all the time and short of breath . I had no problems before I started Elquis . I can't keep going like this ! My husband had a stroke and I have to take care of him and i can't be tired.

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Hi I’m also 34 and am on Eliquis for 2 PE’s I had the end of March. I noticed instant weight gain and have not changed my exercise or my diet. So frustrating!!

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I am on Elquis. I have gained over 20 lbs in the past 2 1/2 years. I was 118lbs. I don't eat anymore than I did before I started taking it. Everyone teases me because I don't eat much not intentionally I'm just not a big eater but since Elquis the weight keeps coming on. Dr says not one of the side effects but I am a perfect example that it is. No matter what I try I can't lose weight. Depressing

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I gained 22 lbs on Xarelto that I can't get rid of for over 2 yrs. My daughter gained over 40lbs. on Eliquis. I read that blood thinners reside in your liver and can't be eliminated. I have tried three liver cleanses and nothing changed. Cardiologists deny that it causes weight gain.

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Re: George (# 76) Expand Referenced Message

Please check with your Doctor first. I am on Eliquis and now warfarin because I have a tendency to get blood clots when I have surgerys. Why does he have you on Eliquis instead of Warfarin. I had no weight gain when I was o that and no joint pain or fatigue. But you can't wean yourself off unless your Doctor approves

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I can attest to blood thinners. Everyone is different. After many years of being on Coumadin I switched to Eliquis for a few weeks. I was unable to breathe. Dr did an angiogram to make sure I didn’t have a blockage. He kept me on Eliquis and had me go to a Pulmonogist. It was the Eliquis. My Dr said only the patient know for sure. I went on Xarelto. I didn't try to loose weight, I just did. I always thought the Coumadin (since it’s rat poison) was the real cause of my weight gain. Each person's body, age react differently.

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I had to start Eliquis in 2016. Not longer after I started I immediately gained 20 pounds. That was with eating the same as I always did with no change. I seem to keep putting it on and when I tell my Doctors, I feel like they think I am lying. I eat healthy, stay away from fast food and fried food, sweets etc. it does not matter, but they say this is not a side effect. Tell that to my body after I have gained 40 lbs. I have to be on it too.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Does Eliquis cause your urine to have a bad odor?

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I have suffered some of the worst side effects ever while using eliquis. Take the weight gain, it’s better than joint pain, dizziness, fatigue. Good luck

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